Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sneak Peak

This is just a taste of what's written in my book "Surviving Financial Shock".  It's a humbling experience to write the words of our adventures down on paper.  I am so thankful for all of God's miracles and His promises we can count on no matter what comes our way!  Please leave a comment or drop me an email and let me know if you'd like to read more.  The book is finished but still needs to be proof read before printing.  The purpose for writing the book is to bring hope to others who have found themselves in financial difficulty and give them practical solutions that can help turn these hardships into success stories.  My husband and I are passionate about helping others live debt free and welcome the opportunity to speak with anyone who is interested.  


In 2005, in the middle of our whirl wind romance and wedding planning, we were hit with a wave of investors entering into our community and suddenly our income jumped from a steady $20,000 a month to an exorbitant amount of $40,000 a week.  It was an unbelievably crazy time, running on shear adrenalin. 

Living Large

We had little time to think about investing for ourselves so our bank account was on the rise.  We had become Millionaires.  We were living the high life with vacationing, cell phones in tow, staying in five star hotels, eating at fancy restaurants and attending special events.  One of the builder’s I represented nicknamed me “Money”.  The more money we made the more perks were offered to us.  We started collecting more art pieces and we were whisked away to Boca Rattan and Las Vegas for all expense paid vacations.  We partnered up with friends and purchased two race horses.  We won the Idaho Cup and Mare of the Year.  These were exciting times.  I have to admit, having money is fun, I'm not going to lie!  Looking at price tags was a thing of the past.  If I would start to question the price of an item my husband would say “it doesn’t matter what the price is, you can afford it”.  I wrote out a check for a brand new fully loaded Hummer and became a member of the exclusive Hummer Club.  We played golf weekly, were given concert tickets and our phones never stopped ringing with invites to be taken out for breakfast, lunch or dinner.  Bank Executives were offering us millions in credit so that we would bank with them.  We are so glad now that we did not utilize all that was available to us.  With money comes power but with that money also comes great responsibility.  We were so busy living large that we didn’t pay attention to what was really important in life.  We were focused on fame and fortune and not on the success of building God’s kingdom and giving Him the glory. 

Where Is My Umbrella?

After meeting with our Accountant & Real Estate Attorney, they both recommended that we start investing in real estate for ourselves and our future.  We made what we felt at the time, very solid investments in housing and property.  We knew at some point that the increase in sales would slow down and we figured we would go back to our normal income level.  We invested accordingly and kept a good size savings account in the bank.  What we were not ready for was the big financial SHOCK that was going to hit, not only our community but our entire nation.

Just as sudden as the boom in the housing market began, it ended.  Our income didn’t just slow down, it completely stopped.  The storm was brewing now as we began living off our savings to meet all our obligations.  We estimated that we had enough savings to last approximately two years.  We placed our home on the market, along with most of our other investment properties.  We eventually had to let our employee go at our home décor boutique and I started working there full-time, along with still trying to maintain the real estate listings I was representing.  Nothing was moving, we rented our properties at a loss so our savings was still depleting monthly.  I remember thinking that surely things were going to turn around, this couldn’t possibly last forever.  God was going to intervene somehow and shelter us from the storm.  He was going to hand me an umbrella and save us from loosing everything.  

My mission is to be strong spiritually, mentally, physically and financially.  It takes commitment, determination and discipline.  I will keep a positive attitude and look forward to great success.  I pray for God to place opportunities in front of me to help others during my journey.  I don't have to be perfect and have all my ducks in row before I start helping those in need.  If that were the case, I would never be of use to God or anyone else.  I just need to have a willing heart and listen to what God asks me to do.

We honestly do not know what the future holds but we know God does and that’s our comfort!  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”  Proverbs 3: 5,6

Thanks for reading!



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